Gluten free custard filled cookies

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These gluten free custard filled cookies are made of a crumbly shell and a tasty creamy filling that melts in your mouth. A sweet treat to taste with five o’clock tea.

Gluten free custard filled cookies

When you bite these gluten free custard filled cookies for the first time, I bet you will find yourself closing your eyes for a second.

The most beautiful, purest joys of life, in my opinion, should all be tasted with closed eyes.

Because you need to be really focused, not to be distracted by other sensations, to fully enjoy the simplest flavors. And while the pastry melts on the palate, and mixes with the pungent taste of the custard, the aroma of lemon peeps and the scent of vanilla fills your lungs.

And for a second, you really don’t need anything else.

You will need:

Gluten free custard filled cookies

For the filling

  • One whole egg and one egg yolk
  • 100g of sugar
  • 250ml of milk
  • The zest of one lemon
  • A tbsp of corn starch

Pour the lemon zest into the milk, cover with cling film and leave to rest for 15/20 minutes. Then, filter the milk to remove any lemon zest residue. This is a small trick to infuse the aroma of the lemon into the custard cream without ruining its velvety consistency with lemon zest which can be annoying. Brilliant, right?

In the meantime, mix the sugar, corn starch, whole egg and yolk in a saucepan to remove all lumps.

Riscalda il latte senza portarlo a bollore. Versalo lentamente nel composto di uova mescolando continuamente con una frusta. Poi, porta il pentolino su fuoco basso. Lascia cuocere mescolando spesso con la frusta fino a quando la crema non inizia a diventare densa. Quando comincia a sbuffare cuoci ancora per un paio di minuti.

Gluten free custard filled cookies

Pour the cream into a separate container and cover it with cling film. Leave to cool completely, placing it in the refrigerator.

For the gluten free custard filled cookies

  • 350g of gluten free all purpose flour (with xanthan gum)
  • 140g of butter
  • 120g of sugar
  • A tsp of baking powder
  • 2 eggs

Cream tohether the sugar and butter until you get a smooth consistency. Then also add the flour and baking powder.

Knead until you get a mixture consisting of large crumbs, then add the slightly beaten eggs, one at a time. Continue to knead until you get a smoth ball of dough. According to the flour blend you are using, you may need a little bit more of less of it. So keep an eye on the consistency. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for at least half an hour.

Transfer the pastry to a well-floured work surface with rice flour. Dust the flour even on a rolling pin and start rolling out the dough until it is about half a centimeter thick.

Gluten free custard filled cookies

With a round pastry cutter (or even with a simple glass!) lightly floured make small disks. Place a small amount of custard in the center. No more than a teaspoon, or you risk that the biscuits will tear apart while baking.

Very gently and with the help of a flexible silicone spatula fold the disks over themselves. Don’t worry if they crack slightly. It will be sufficient to remodel them very gently. And then, while baking, the cracks will tend to heal when the butter melts.

Close each biscuit and press very gently along the edges to make them stick. Transfer them to a baking tray lined with parchment paper and bake in a preheated oven at 350°F for about 10/15 minutes.

Gluten free custard filled cookies
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